Maple Hill Cemetery 3D Model Database

Below, you will find all of the uploaded 3D models completed by participants of ArchaeoPLUS’ Terrestrial Photogrammetry Workshop at Maple Hill Cemetery. This database will continue to be expanded as more and more data is collected. If you would like to participate in these workshops, please click here!

  • Monuments are searchable by the ArchaeoPLUS ID, the person’s name (first, middle, last, or any combination can be input in the same box), birth date, death date, and Memorial ID (from Find a Grave). All search criteria, at the moment, are EXACT spellings.

  • For each entry, there is an interactive 3D model as well as a link to the associated Find A Grave entry.

  • If you find an error, please email so that we can investigate and correct it.

3D Model Viewer